Triantafyllos Doulias (Chair)
Triantafyllos Doulias
Current position
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals. Since 2017.
Medical school
University of Belgrade School of Medicine, Serbia. Graduated in 2002.
General surgical and colorectal training
- Georgios Gennimatas University Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK
- Cambridge Teaching Hospitals, Cambridge, UK
- Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK
Main clinical and research interests
- Minimally invasive surgery
- Colorectal cancer
- Pelvic floor pathology / management of complex perianal fistula
- Locally advanced rectal cancer / pelvic exenteration
- Surgical innovation
- Surgical sepsis
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
- Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS)
- European Board of Surgical Qualification in coloproctology (EBSQ)
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS)
- Chief Residents Leadership and Management Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Hospitals
- PhD Thesis: Low dose hydrocortisone prolongs survival and reverses endotoxin tolerance in a lethal model of escherichia coli sepsis in adrenalectomized rats Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2016
- MSc Thesis: The effect of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the affected part of the liver on the integrity of the intestinal mucosa barrier. Immunohistochemical expression of nuclear factor kB and oxidative stress Democritus University of Thrace, Greece June 2013
Journal reviewer:
- British Journal of Surgery (BJS)
- Colorectal Disease Journal
- Annals Journal & Bulletin Journal
- BMJ case reports
- Archives of International Surgery
- Annals of Surgery and Transplantation

Nicolas Avellaneda (Y-ESCP Rep)
Nicolas Avellaneda
Current position
Staff Surgeon: General, Colorectal Surgery and Proctology, “Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas “Norberto Quirno” (CEMIC), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2018.
Medical school
University of Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated December 2012.
General surgical and colorectal training
- International Colorectal Fellow, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (2022-)
- Mastership in Coloproctology, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom (2020-2022)
- Doctor in Medical Sciences (PhD), “Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas “Norberto Quirno” (CEMIC), Buenos Aires, Argentina (2020-2022)
- Colorectal Surgery Fellow, “Nueva Proctología,” Buenos Aires, Argentina (2018-2020)
- Chief of Residents, General Surgery Residence, General Surgery Department, CEMIC University Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2017-2018)
- General Surgery Residence, General Surgery Department, CEMIC University Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2013-2017)
Main clinical and research interests
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Colorectal cancer
- Complex proctology
- Diverticular disease
- Collaborative studies
Member of the Guidelines Committee since

José Azevedo
José Azevedo
Current position
- Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Champalimaud Clinical Center, Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, since 2021
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, since 2021
Medical school
University of Lisbon, School of Medicine. Graduated in 2012.
General surgical and colorectal training
- Hospital da Horta EPE, Azores, Portugal
- Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Porto, Portugal
- Portuguese Oncology Institute, Porto, Portugal
- International Fellowship - Angelita and Joaquim Gama Institute, São Paulo, Brazil
Main clinical and research interests
- Colorectal cancer
- Minimally invasive surgery
- Robotic surgery
- Locally advanced rectal cancer/pelvic exenteration
- Organ preservation/watch-and-wait
Member of the Guidelines Committee since

Stefanos Bonovas
Stefanos Bonovas
Current position
Associate Professor of Medical Statistics, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy.
Medical school
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine, Athens, Greece.
General surgical and colorectal training
Training in General Practice, Athens General Hospital "G. Gennimatas", Athens, Greece.
Main clinical and research interests
Clinical research methods, biostatistics, epidemiology, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, evidence-based medicine.
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
Prof. Stefanos Bonovas graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Athens (1997), and completed a four-year medical residency in General Practice at Athens General Hospital "G. Gennimatas" (2002). He earned his M.Sc. in Biostatistics (2002) and Ph.D. in Medicine (2007) from the School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece.
Since 2004, he has held positions at the National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Athens, Greece, before serving as Head of the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance and Intervention (2008–2011).
He also completed a research fellowship in Biostatistics at the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Central Greece (2012), and a second fellowship in Clinical Trials at the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milan, Italy (2015).
Currently, Prof. Stefanos Bonovas serves as the Section Editor-in-Chief for Clinical Research Methods at the Journal of Clinical Medicine.

Stéphanie Breukink (ex officio)
Stéphanie Breukink
Current position
Associate Professor of Colorectal Surgery, Colorectal Consultant, Maastricht University Medical Center
Medical school
University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. Graduated in 1998
General surgical and colorectal training
- University Medical Center Gronigen, the Netherlands
- Colorectal fellowship Flinders Medical Center, Adelaide, Australia
Main clinical and research interests
- Quality of life after colorectal cancer
- Pelvic floor disorders
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
Dr Stephanie Breukink graduated from University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. Afterwards she worked for two years as a colorectal fellow in Adelaide, Australia. She started as a colorectal consultant in 2009 at Maastricht University Medical Center, the Netherlands.
In 2006 she defended her PhD: Laparoscopic TME for rectal cancer.
Dr Breukink has developed subspecialty interests in quality of life after colorectal cancer treatment and surgical management of disorders of the pelvic floor and enterocutaneous fistulae.

Niki Christou (Research Rep)
Current position
- Professor and Consultant in Digestive surgery, Department of Digestive, General and Endocrine Surgery, Limoges University Hospital, France, since September 2022
- Researcher with habilitation/accreditation to direct research (HDR) at Laboratory INSERM U1308 – CAPTuR “Control of cell Activation in Tumor Progression and Therapeutic Resistance"
Medical school
- Medical Doctor with Digestive surgery specialisation, Limoges University, France since November 2015
- Oncological surgery specialisation, since November 2017
General surgical and colorectal training
- Digestive surgery department, Limoges University Hospital, France
- Colorectal surgery department, University Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom
Main clinical and research interests
- Mini-invasive colorectal surgery
- Clinical and translational research for colorectal cancer
- Fundamental research in colorectal cancer initiating cells
- Surgical site infections
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
- PhD Thesis on colorectal cancer initiating cells, 2017, Limoges University
- Head of the “Chaire of Excellence of colorectal cancer research”, since 2019, Limoges University, France
- Coordinator of the membership committee of #OpenSourceResearch
- Coordinator of the French report on surgical site infections under the aegis of the “French Association of Surgery” (AFC).
- Member of the French Academy of Surgery

Audrius Dulskas
Audrius Dulskas
Current position
Surgeon, director advisor at National Cancer Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania (since 2014)
Medical school
Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania (graduated in 2009)
General surgical and colorectal training
- Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania (graduated in 2014)
- Yonsei University, Severance Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea (graduated in 2016)
Main clinical and research interests
- Early colorectal cancer treatment
- Late sequel following cancer treatment
- Cancer screening
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
- PhD thesis Changes in anorectal and urogenital function in patients undergoing radical surgery for rectal cancer
- Member of Research Group (Cohort Studies), Guidelines and Regional Event committee member
- Editorial board member: Cancer treatment and Research Communications, Frontiers in surgery, Annals of Coloproctology, Lithuanian Surgery, Translation Oncology

Gaetano Gallo
Gaetano Gallo
Current position
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Medical school
University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy (graduated in July 2012)
General surgical and colorectal training
- Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy
- Department of Digestive and Endocrine Surgery - Pole Hepato-Digestif, Nouvel Hopital Civil, University Hospital of Strasbourg
- Department of Colorectal and Pelvic Surgery, AC Camargo Cancer Center, Sao Paolo, Brazil
- Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Department of Colorectal Surgery, S. Rita Clinic, Vercell, Italy
- JSCP Travel Fellowship
- ESCP Functional Fellowship – Royal London Hospital, London, UK
Main clinical and research interests
- Haemorrhoidal disease
- Perianal and rectovaginal fistulas
- Rectal prolapse
- Functional and pelvic floor disorders
- Microbiome and colorectal cancer
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
- Executive Committee of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (S.I.C.C.R.)
- Editorial Advisory Board Colorectal Disease, Techniques in Coloproctology, Updates in Surgery, Surgery
- ESCP Cohort Studies Committee since September 2017

Fabian Grass
Fabian Grass
Current position
Associate physician and consultant, Department of Visceral Surgery, Lausanne University Hospital CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland
Medical school
University of Lausanne (graduated in 2006), University of North Carolina (UNC), NC, USA, graduated in 2005
General surgical and colorectal training
- Lausanne University Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, residency (2007-2012)
- Hôpital du Valais, Sion, Switzerland, chief residency (2012-2014)
- Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, junior consultant, colorectal surgery (2014-2018)
- Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA (fellowship)
- Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, senior consultant (2020 to date)
Main clinical and research interests
- Colon cancer, rectal cancer, robotic surgery, proctology
- Research: perioperative care, clinical nutrition, enhanced recovery after surgery, colorectal cancer, short stay processes/medico-economic analyses, surgical site infection prevention
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
- MD, University of Lausanne (2006)
- Swiss General Surgery Board certification (2014)
- Thesis, University of Lausanne (2015)
- United States Medical Licensing Examination (2016)
- Privat Docent, University of Lausanne (2018)
- Swiss Visceral Surgery Board certification (2020)
- Fellow of the European Board of Colorectal Surgery - EBSQ coloproctology (2020)
- Certified Intuitive Robotic Surgeon - Da Vinci Xi® system (2020)
- Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (2022)
Selected society memberships/committees:
- Founding member of the Association for Academic Surgery (2009)
- Swiss Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, member of the board (2021)
- Swiss National Representative, European Society of Coloproctology (2022)
Editorial activities:
- World Journal of Surgery, if 3.8, Editor
- Nutrients (MDPI), if 6.8, Topic Editor

Lisa Massey
Lisa Massey
Current position
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Nottingham University Hospitals, Nottingham, UK (since 2023)
Medical school
Imperial College, London, UK (graduated in 2008)
General surgical and colorectal training
- ALSGBI travelling fellowship, UZ Leuven and Maria Middelares, Gent, Belgium
- Post-CCT Fellowship and Locum Consultant, St Mark’s Hospital, London, UK
- Registrar training in General and Colorectal Surgery, South West Peninsula Deanery, UK
- Core surgical training, Colchester Hospital, Colchester, UK
Main clinical and research interests
- Intestinal failure
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Abdominal wall reconstruction
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
- MD thesis: Patient and staff experience of ambulatory emergency care on the surgical assessment unit, University of Exeter, 2024
- Chair of ACPGBI guidelines committee

Adele Sayers
Adele Sayers
Current position
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter (since March 2022)
Medical school
Hull York Medical School, UK (graduated 2008)
General surgical and colorectal training
- Core and Higher Surgical Training: School of Surgery, Health Education Yorkshire and Humber, UK
- Fellowship: ACPGBI + RCS Advanced IBD Fellowship, Sheffield, UK
Main clinical and research interests
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Emergency Surgery
- Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
October 2022
Additional information
- MD (awarded March 2018): Biomechanics of the anterior abdominal wall + Evaluation of a novel surgical technique for the prevention of parastomal herniation
- INGUIDE level 1 certification (2022)
- Junior Editorial Advisory Board Member: Colorectal Diseases
- Social Media Editor: Techniques in Coloproctology
- Blogger and Engagement Marketing and Income Generation committee member: Bowel Research UK
- ACPGBI Yorkshire Trainee Representative (2019-2021)
- White Rose Surgical Collaborative Secretary (2018-2019)
- Trainee co-lead and steering group member for the national (UK) collaborative projects - National Audit of
- Small Bowel Obstruction (NASBO) and Management of Acutely Symptomatic Hernia (MASH)

Robert Siegel
Robert Siegel
Current position
- Senior Surgeon, Head of Division of Colorectal Surgery,
- Co-Chair Interdisciplinary Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, and
- Coordinator Certified Colorectal Cancer Center
- Charité, Berlin, Germany
Medical school
Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany (graduated in 2001)
General surgical and colorectal training
Department of Surgery and Surgical Oncology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Main clinical and research interests
- Colorectal cancer
- Anal cancer
- Functional outcomes and PROM after colorectal surgery
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
October 2022

Samson Tou
Samson Tou
Current position
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Royal Derby Hospital, UK (since 2012). Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, University of Nottingham.
Medical school
University of Aberdeen, UK. Graduated in 1997
General surgical and colorectal training
- Higher Surgical Training, East Anglia rotation, UK
- Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship, Adelaide, Australia
Main clinical and research interests
- Rectal cancer
- Robotic surgery
- Proficiency-based surgical training
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
After completing a Master of Surgery in colorectal cancer genetics at University College London and training in East Anglia, Samson undertook a laparoscopic fellowship in Australia. He completed a master's degree in minimally invasive surgery at Adelaide University.
He is an Associate Editor of Colorectal Disease, Editor of the Cochrane Colorectal Group, a member of the ESCP Education Committee, and a Steering Committee member of the ESCP Colorectal Robotic Surgery Working Group.

Yegor Tryliskyy (Y-ESCP Rep)
Yegor Tryliskyy
Current position
Specialty Registrar (ST6) in General and Colorectal Surgery - Gloucester Royal Hospital, Severn Deanery, England (since 2023)
Medical school
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine (graduated in 2012)
General surgical and colorectal training
- Higher Surgical Trainee - Severn Deanery (2020 to present)
- Specialty Registrar - Worthing Hospital, West Sussex, England, UK (2019-20)
- International Fellow - Worthing Hospital, West Sussex, England, UK (2017-19)
- Research Fellow - Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine (2015-17)
- Doctor-Intern- Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine (2012-15)
Main clinical and research interests
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Abdominal wall
- Medical Education
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
- PGCAP in Higher Education (the University of Edinburgh), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2023)
- Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (2019)
- MSc in Surgical Sciences from the University of Edinburgh (2015)
- Tutor of the University of Edinburgh (since 2020)
- Faculty of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (since 2019)

Carolynne Vaizey (ex-officio / ESCP Secretary)
Carolynne Vaizey
Current position
- Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Co-Medical Director, St Mark’s, The National Bowel Hospital, London
- Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London
Medical school
University of Cape Town
General surgical and colorectal training
- Johannesburg General Hospital, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
- St Mark’s the National Bowel Hospital London
- The Middlesex and University College Hospitals, UCL, London
Main clinical and research interests
- Intestinal Failure
- Faecal incontinence
- Proctology
Member of the Guidelines Committee since
Additional information
- Chair of The Pelvic Floor Society, UK
- Chair of the Intestinal Failure Subcommittee, ACPGBI