Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the Dutch part of the ESCP website. This page provides information on organisation of colorectal surgical practice and research in The Netherlands.

The Dutch Society of ColoRectal Surgery (DSCRS) was established in 2023 (formerly known as ‘Werkgroep Coloproctologie’ since 2011). Its aim is to represent the interests of colorectal and proctological surgeons in the Netherlands. The DSCRS connects and strengthens the knowledge, expertise, and community of professionals within coloproctology in the Netherlands. This fosters ongoing development of the field and ensures the improvement and safeguarding of patient care quality. The DSCRS can be regarded as the Dutch national affiliate organization of the ESCP. This society operates under the Dutch Society of Surgery (NVvH), the Dutch Society for Gastrointestinal Surgery (NVGIC), and the Dutch Society for Surgical Oncology (NVCO).

The DSCRS, together with its members, actively participates in scientific meetings, promotes the initiation and participation of trials in colorectal and proctological surgery. Additionally, the DSCRS is involved in the development of guidelines, education, and the organization of clinical immersions, case discussions throughout our country.

Within the DSCRS, various taskforces are active; proctology, anastomotic leakage, initiative on Crohn and Colitis surgery (ICC-S), Dutch Snapshot Research Group, MInimally invasive REctal CArcinoma surgery (MIRECA), deep infiltrating endometriosis, Dutch Complex Colon Cancer Initiative (DCCCI), Dutch T1 Colorectal Cancer Working Group.

Each year we organise an national DSCRS congress on coloproctology, we have scedulled this meeting in Amersfoort next June 2025! Also, during the annual ESCP congress, we host the “Dutch Chapter”; an informal evening event for all members of the DSCRS and ESCP in which we have a members meeting, presentation of the Best Thesis Award and the allocation of travel grants. We hope to see you there this September 2025 in Paris!

Benefits of a DSCRS/ESCP block membership:

  • 30% discount on ESCP membership, 25% discount on DSCRS membership.
  • Significant discounts on ESCP congresses and major events from ESSO and ASCRS, such as the upcoming Tripartite Colorectal Meeting (a joint congress of ESCP, ASCRS, ACPGBI, and others) 10-12 September 2025 in Paris. You’ll save more than your membership costs!
  • Affiliate membership with ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology).
  • Digital access to all resources from ESCP/ASCRS, including books, webinars, guidelines, presentations, videos, and the Colorectal Disease Journal.
  • Research and training initiatives: Participate in collaborative research projects and fellowship programs.

In short, the DSCRS/ESCP Block Membership is the complete membership package for every Dutch colorectal surgeon! If you have specific questions, you can send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We hope to see you at one of the ESCP or DSCRS events!

Yours sincerely,
Marjolein Leeuwenburgh
National ESCP representative for the Netherlands, on behalf of the DSCRS
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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