Time | Event |
08:00 - 12:30
Educational: 8th Ultrasound Workshop with live demonstrations
Supported by BK Medical
Location: San Raffaele Hospital, Milan
Course directors: Anders Mellgren (USA), Giulio Santoro (Italy)
Local organiser: Paola De Nardi (Italy)
09:30 -11:30
Educational: Core Subject Update
Chairs: Pierpaolo Sileri (Italy), Yves Panis (France)
- Haemorrhoidal disease - Alexander Herold (Germany)
- Guidelines on abdominal Crohn's disease - Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands)
- AIN - Daniel Dindo (Switzerland)
- Colorectal neuro endocrine tumours - Steven Wexner (USA), Mariana Berho (USA)
- Abdomen: management of the abdominal wall - Marja A. Boermeester (The Netherlands)
11:30 - 11:35 |
Official Opening |
11:35 - 12:35
Symposium: Diverticulitis
Chairs: Yury Shelygin (Russia), Sebastiano Biondo (Spain)
- Management of non complicated diverticulitis - Nikolas Gouvas (Greece)
- Management of complicated diverticulitis - Tom Øresland (Norway)
- Indications for elective surgery - Patricia Roberts (USA)
Free Papers (Functional and IBD)
Chairs: Roland Scherer (Germany), Alex Moskalev (Russia)
- F01: Tined lead test stimulation to predict long-term benefit from sacral nerve stimulation in patients with chronic constipation - Kevin Etherson (UK)
- F02: Urogenital dysfunction three years after abdominoperineal excision - Anna Ledebo (Sweden)
- F03: Long-term experience of magnetic anal sphincter augmentation in patients with fecal incontinence - Paul-Antoine Lehur (France)
- F04: Should elective resection follow nonoperative management of first episode of acute sigmoid diverticulitis with abscess/extraluminal air? A randomized controlled trial - Sam Tou (USA)
- F05: Post-operative venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients undergoing abdominal surgery for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): A common but rarely addressed problem - Hiroko Kunitake (USA)
- F06: The fate of reconstructive surgery following colectomy for inflammatory bowel disease in Sweden: a population-based cohort study - Caroline Nordenvall (Sweden)
12:35 - 13:30 |
Exhibition opens - Sandwich lunch available |
13:30 - 15:00
Surgical Video Session
Chairs: Mark Katory (UK), Julius Orhalmi (Czech Republic), Samson Tou (UK)
- V01: Surgery for low rectal cancer -the robotic pull through high coloanal. A scarless and stoma avoiding technique - Francesco Bianco (Italy)
- V02: The high and the low transanal TME approach: Julio Leite (Portugal)
- V03: A combined laparoscopic transabdominal and perineal approach in a large retrorectal tumour - Julio Leite (Portugal)
- V04: Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy with extensive adhesiolysis - Ana Alagoa João (Portugal)
- V05: Fasciocutaneous flap for urethrorectal fistula treatment - Alexander Kravchenko (Russia)
- V06: Reconstruction with perineal lipofilling following extralevator abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer - Ignasi Camps (Spain)
- V07: Laparoscopic repair of perineal hernia after extra-levator abdomino-perineal resection - Antonjacopo Ferrario Di Tor Vajana (Switzerland)
- V08: Extramesorectal excision for posterior tumors with threaten radial margin - Slawomir Marecik (USA)
- V09: Repair of a recurrent traumatic rectovaginal fistula - Slawomir Marecik (USA)
- V10: Autonomic nerves structures during taTME in the obese patient - Slawomir Marecik (USA)
International Trials Results Forum
Presentation of completed trials with expert commentary
Chair: Thomas Pinkney (UK)
- Four trial results presentations will include the first international presentation of:
- ETHOS results - Angus Watson (UK) / HUBBLE results - Steven Brown (UK), with Expert commentary by Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands)
- DIRECT - Esther Consten (TheNetherlands), with Expert commentary by Michele Rubbini (Italy)
- GRECCAR2 - Eric Rullier (France), with Expert commentary by Jérémie Lefevre (France)
- ADMIRE - Antonino Spinelli (Italy), with Expert commentary by Eloy Espin Basany (Spain)
- Results of ESCP 2016 pan-European snapshot audit of closure of intestinal stoma - Oded Zmora (Israel)
15:00 - 15:15
 ESCP Fellowships Update
Chairs: David Zimmerman (The Netherlands), Klaus Matzel (Germany)
- Edgar Furnee (The Netherlands) visited University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
- Emre Sivrikoz (Turkey) visited St Mark's Hospital, Harrow, United Kingdom
2015-2016 ESCP Fellowships are supported by educational partners Ethicon and Medtronic
15:15 - 15:45
Keynote Lecture: Defunctioning Stoma - Old Problems, New Solutions
Chair: Peter Matthiessen (Sweden)
Speaker: Peter Kienle (Germany)
15:45 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break/Exhibition/Posters |
15:50 - 16:15 |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Educational: Activities in Coloproctology Around the Globe
Chairs: Paul-Antoine Lehur (France), Klaus Matzel (Germany)
- Daisies in the desert: Lynch syndrome management in a resource constrained environment - Paul Goldberg (South Africa)
- Fistula clinic Ethiopia: an endeavour that is making a difference - Fekade Ayenachew Aklilu (Ethiopia)
Free Papers (Miscellaneous and Neoplasia)
Chairs: Mariana Berho (USA), Nir Wasserberg (Israel)
- F07: Changed treatment strategy in acute uncomplicated diverticulitis resulted in hospital bed and health care cost savings: a population based study - Daniel Isacson (Sweden)
- F08: Negative pressure therapy to reduce SSI in open colorectal surgery: prospective, randomized and multicenter study - Miguel Leon (Spain)
- F09: A randomised noninferiority trial of electroacupuncture versus fast-track perioperative programme for reducing duration of postoperative ileus and hospital stay after laparoscopic colorectal surgery - Simon Ng (Hong Kong)
- F10: Decreasing leak rate using microperfusion imaging after colorectal anastomosis; result of the European Phase II study - Frederic Ris (Switzerland)
- F11: Circumferential margin involvement after total mesolectal excision for rectal cancer: are patients all equals? - Yves Panis (France)
- F12: Surgical complications following the treatment of rectal carcinoma. A snapshot audit of 2095 patients - Wernard A.A Borstlap (The Netherlands)
17:00 - 18:00 |
Educational: Best Publications of the Year
Presentation and discussion of the last year's best papers and their clinical impact
Chair: Neil Smart (UK)
Speakers: Stefan Post (Germany), Jarno Melenhorst (The Netherlands)
- Colon cancer, IBD, diverticulitis -> Stefan Post (Germany)
- Rectal cancer, proctology - Jarno Melenhorst (The Netherlands)
Symposium: Cryptoglandular Fistula in Ano
Chairs: Alexander Herold (Germany), Emre Balik (Turkey)
- Preparation for surgery - Carlo Ratto (Italy)
- Can we individualise treatment? - Paola De Nardi (Italy)
- Recurrence and functional failure - Lilli Lundby (Denmark)
18:00 |
Presentation of the Lars Påhlman EBSQ medal
Chairs: Dieter Hahnloser (Switzerland), Stefan Post (Germany)
For the first time, ESCP will award the Lars Påhlman medal to the highest merit of EBSQ examinees in 2015. This year the medal is awarded to Mr Arshad Malik (UK).
18:00 - 19:00 |
Educational: Coloproctology - How to Start to Engage Online and Future Developments in Surgical Social Media
Chairs: Steven Wexner (USA), Richard Brady (UK)
Introduction - Steven Wexner (USA)
- Current state of the nation regarding colorectal social media: uptake and cautions - Richard Brady (UK)
- Facts, favourites and fame - how and why I use social media in my practice - Julio Mayol (Spain)
- Collaboratives, colleagues and campaigns: connecting trainees across social media - Edward Fitzgerald (UK)
- The other side of the firewall - social media developments in other specialties - Marie Ennis-O'Connor (Ireland)
- Panel discussion
Free Papers (Neoplasia)
Chairs: Aldo Infantino (Italy), Gabriella Palmer (Sweden)
- F13: Pelvic exenteration for recurrent rectal cancer (RRC): a multi-center international analysis - The PelvEx Collaborative (Ireland)
- F14: Organ preservation for clinical complete and near complete responders after chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer: long-term results of 196 patients - Britt Hupkens (The Netherlands)
- F15: First results of the International Watch & Wait Database (IWWD) for Rectal Cancer - Britt Hupkens (The Netherlands)
- F16: Quality of life and functional outcome in rectal cancer patients: watch-and-wait policy versus chemoradiation and TME – a matched controlled study - Britt Hupkens (The Netherlands)
- F17: Risk factors for positive circumferential resection margin after rectal resection for cancer: a nationwide, propensity score matched analysis - Mads Klein (Denmark)
- F18: Long-term bowel dysfunction in patients treated for cancer in cecum and the ascending colon - Helene Mathilde Larsen (Denmark)
Free Papers (Proctology and Neoplasia)
Chairs: Tryggvi Stefansson (Iceland), Pavle Košorok (Slovenia)
- F19: Long-term effects of preoperative radiotherapy on testicular function in rectal cancer patients - John Tapper (Sweden)
- F20: Multivisceral resection for locally advanced colon and rectal cancer - Marlies Verstegen (The Netherlands)
- F21: Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation - PTNS for chronic therapy resistant anal fissure. 2 yr follow-up - Louis Banka Johnson (Sweden)
- F22: Appropriate intake of fiber supplement can correct deranged defecatory habits and prevent need for surgery in most patients with advanced hemorrhoids - Mohinder Kumar Garg (India)
- F23: Overlapping modification of the mucosal advancement flap improves outcomes - Emad Sammodi (Jordan)
- F24: THD device versus HALO device for doppler-guided haemorrhoidal artery ligation - Jim Tiernan (UK)
19:00 - 19:30 |
Student Oral Posters
Chair: Pamela Buchwald (Sweden), Zbigniew Lorenc (Poland)
- OP01: Malone antegrade colonic enema procedure in adults: long-term clinical outcomes in 3 indications - Nicolas Zalay (France)
- OP02: Preoperative exlusive oral polymeric diet enriched with transforming growth factor-beta 2 (Modulen®) could decrease postoperative morbidity after surgery for complicated ileocolonic Crohn's disease - Solafah Abdalla (France)
- OP03: Morbidity after subtotal colectomy for ulcerative colitis - Mathilda Lissel (Sweden)
- OP04: What is the impact of thickness of anastomotic doughnuts on risk of anatomic leakage after colorectal resection? Results of a prospective study on 154 consecutive cases - Solafah Abdalla (France)
- OP05: PET-CT Scan vs sentinel node biopsy in the detection of inguinal lymph node metastases in patients affected by anal cancer - Elettra Ugliono (Italy)
- OP06: Patient outcomes for perineal closure in abdominoperineal resection of the rectum (APER): 10-year retrospective analysis - Kit Yeng Wong (UK)
Oral Posters (Proctology)
Chairs: Jared Torkington (UK), Tadas Latkauskas (Lithuania)
OP07: Sinusectomy for primary pilonidal sinus, a single center ten years’ experience - Arnaud Dupuis (Switzerland)
OP08: Long term safety and efficacy of patients after implantation of a magnetic anal sphincter device for fecal incontinence - Faramarz Pakravan (Germany)
OP09: Perineal hygiene, a key point factor in the treatment of pilonidal disease to decrease healing time and lower complication’s rate - Arnaud Dupuis (Switzerland)
OP10: Cost analysis of complicated diverticulitis, comparing laparoscopic lavage and Hartmann’s procedure: within the framework of the randomized controlled DILALA trial - Jacob Gehrman (Sweden)
OP11: Long-term outcome of surgical treatment for familial adenomatous polyposis with use of cell transplantation - Alexander Kuzminov (Russia)
OP12: Robot-assisted sacrocolporectopexy for multi-compartment prolapse of the pelvic floor; a prospective cohort study evaluating functional and sexual outcome - Jan van Iersel (The Netherlands)
Oral Posters (Proctology, IBD and Neoplasia)
Chairs: Niels Wijffels (The Netherlands), Zuzana Serclova (Czech Republic)
- OP13: Pre-operative patients’ related risk factors and unfavorable postoperative outcome in patients with Crohn’s disease undergoing bowel resections: ESCP pan-European audit 2015 - Pan-European Audit Collaborative Group (UK)
- OP14: Surgery and surgeon’s related risk factors associated with unfavorable postoperative outcome in patients with Crohn’s disease undergoing bowel resections. ESCP pan-European audit 2015 - Pan-European Audit Collaborative Group (UK)
- OP15: A population-based study of salvage surgery after transanal endoscopic microsurgery for rectal cancer - Torbjörn Swartling (Sweden)
- OP16: Emergency surgery for colorectal cancer (CRC) - Samuele Vaccari (Italy)
- OP17: Sutured hemorrhoidopexy for hemorrhoids: a retrospective multicentre study of 189 patients - R.R. van Tol (The Netherlands)
- OP18: LIFT procedure for peri-anal fistulas: risk factors for failure - Charlotte Deen-Molenaar (The Netherlands)
19:30 - 20:30 |
ESCP Welcome Reception in the Exhibition Area |