ESCP 2025 Paris

Tuesday 9 September 2025, 08:40 - 17:00 CEST, Venue:TBC

Course Director
Prof. Carlo RATTO

ESCP Member
€360 (including VAT)

€480 (including VAT)

Dr. Ilaria Baini - Milan, Italy
Dr. Paola Campennì - Rome, Italy
Dr. Francesco Litta- Rome, Italy
Dr. Angelo Alessandro Marra - Rome, Italy
Dr. Angelo Parello - Rome, Italy
Prof. Carlo Ratto – Rome, Italy
Prof. Marco Soligo – Milan, Italy

Brief description
Despite the efforts in improving safety of the childbirth, the obstetric anal sphincters injuries (OASIS) still represent a quite frequent event which needs hopefully immediate interventions (much better if performed by well-trained obstetrician/surgeon) to prevent faecal incontinence. The optimal diagnostic work up (to avoid occult or underestimated sphincters lesions), the best timing and modality of repair, and the best postoperative management (including treatment of persistence/recurrence of faecal incontinence) are still debated and not standardised.

This OASIS Course is aimed to discuss all critical steps of diagnosis and repair of OASIS by a well-experienced Faculty. Moreover, the Course will offer to the participants the unique opportunity to be trained on a realistic model of OASIS, on which each single participant will be able to perform a repair of severe to moderate OASIS.


08:40 - 08:50

Carlo Ratto (Italy)

08:50 - 09:10

Functional anatomy of the perineum: why it is so important to know it… even in the delivery room
Angelo Alessandro Marra (Italy)
Marco Soligo (Italy)

09:10 - 09:30

Normality and abnormality of vaginal birth: episiotomy, suction cup, forceps, lacerations, hematomas
Ilaria Baini (Italy)
Marco Soligo (Italy)

09:30 - 09:50

Epidemiology of childbirth injuries
Ilaria Baini (Italy)
Angelo Parello (Italy)

09:50 - 10:10

Diagnostics of obstetric lesions and classification
Paola Campenni (Italy)
Marco Soligo (Italy)

10:10 - 10:30

New perspectives for a reliable assessment of OASIS
Carlo Ratto (Italy)

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:30

Surgical repair of 3rd and 4th degree perineal lacerations and post-operative management
Carlo Ratto (Italy)
Marco Soligo (Italy)

11:30 - 11:50

Follow up and obstetric prognosis after OASIS
Marco Soligo (Italy)
Ilaria Baini (Italy)

11:50 - 12:10

The treatment of fecal incontinence: how and when?
Francesco Litta (Italy)
Angelo Alessandro Marra (Italy)

12:10 - 12:45

Question time

12:45 - 14:00

Lunch Time

14:00 - 17:00

PRACTICAL SESSION ON SIMULATOR: Repair of 3rd and 4th degree lacerations on basic organic model (bovine tongue) and associated vagino-perineal repair

Paola Campenni (Italy), Francesco Litta (Italy), Angelo Alessandro Marra (Italy), Angelo Parello (Italy), Carlo Ratto (Italy)

17:00 Course Ends
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