Time | Event |
07:45 - 09:15
Plenary Hall A
Symposium: Ileal pouch options
Chairs: Beatriz Martin-Perez (Spain), Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands)
07:45 - 09:15
Parallel Hall N
Educational: Trainee Round Table Session
For trainees only: case presentations and table discussion with experts
Chairs: David Zimmerman (The Netherlands), Mark Potter (UK)
Experts: Jeroen Leijtens (The Netherlands), Richard Brady (UK), Edgar Furnée (The Netherlands), Paul-Antoine Lehur (France), Antonino Spinelli (Italy), Samson Tou (UK), Marek Zawadzki (Poland), Guillaume Meurette (France), Imran Aslam (UK), Iain Anderson (UK)
Case presentations:
08:00 - 09:00
Parallel Hall F2
Free Papers: Neoplasia, Proctology and Miscellaneous
Chairs: Torbjörn Holm (Sweden), Thomas Schiedeck (Germany)
- F49 - Adjuvant chemotherapy improves survival in patients with high-risk stage II colorectal cancer: results of a systematic review and meta-analysis - Constantinos Simillis (UK)
- F50 - Is decompressing stoma better than stent as bridge-to-surgery for left-sided obstructive colon cancer? A nationwide, propensity-score matched analysis - Joyce Veld (The Netherlands)
- F51 - Challenging the guideline: simultaneous upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy is not warranted in patients with iron deficiency anaemia when investigating gastrointestinal malignancy - Sabrina Samuels (UK)
- F52 - Early immunological results from the ELFIN study - B cell responses dampened by distal feeding following low anterior resection - Stella Dilke (UK)
- F53 - Incidence and risk factors of incisional hernia: Retrospective study from the French national database - Benoît Gignoux (France)
- F54 - European Society of Coloproctology guideline for haemorrhoidal disease - Robin van Tol (The Netherlands)
08:00 - 09:00
Parallel Hall M
Free Papers: Randomised Clinical Trials
Chairs: Dion Morton (UK), Evangelos Xynos (Greece)
- F55 - Randomized controlled trial of antibiotic prophylaxis in rectal cancer surgery: oral with intravenous versus intravenous antibiotics - Evgeniy Khomyakov (Russia)
- F56 - Multidisciplinary prehabilitation programme on patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery: a single centre randomised controlled trial - Tony Mak (Hong Kong)
- F57 - Treatment and survival of locally recurrent rectal cancer: a cross-sectional population study 15 years after the dutch TME trial - Robin Detering (The Netherlands)
- F58 - Treatment of perianal fistulas in Crohn’s disease, seton versus anti-TNF versus surgical closure following anti-TNF (PISA): a randomised controlled trial - Karin Wasmann (The Netherlands)
- F59 - Vacuum Assisted Closure Versus On-demand Re-laparotomy in Patients With Faecal or Diffuse Peritonitis: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial (VACOR) - Pooya Rajabaleyan (Denmark)
- F60 - Randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of pre-operative chemotherapy in comparison with post-operative chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced colon cancer - Soo Yeun Park (Republic of Korea)
08:00 - 09:00
Small Hall
Free Papers: Student Papers
Chairs: Dieter Hahnloser (Switzerland), Martin Schneider (Germany)
- F61 - Gentamicin-clindamycin lavage on post-operational pain and infection in laparoscopic colectomy surgery - Mohammad Moradi (Iran)
- F62 - Perioperative Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) administration and Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in major gastrointestinal surgery: A national, multicentre, propensity matched cohort study - Victoria Murray (UK)
- F63 - Impact of preoperative enteral nutritional support on postoperative outcome of patients with Crohn disease complicated with malnutrition. Results of a subgroup analysis of the nationwide cohort RICCO registry from the GETAID chirurgie group - Antoine Brouquet (France)
- F64 - A national database study on colectomy and colorectal cancer in ulcerative colitis: what is the role of appendectomy? - Merel E. Stellingerf (The Netherlands)
- F65 - Short-term and long-term outcome of endoluminal vacuum therapy for colorectal or coloanal anastomotic leakage: Results of a nationwide multicenter cohort study from the French GRECCAR group - Antoine Brouquet (France)
- F66 - The effects of preoperative intravenous contrast on acute kidney injury in major gastrointestinal surgery - Waheed-Ul-Rahman Ahmed (UK)
09:15 - 09:45 |
Coffee Break |
09:45 - 10:00
Plenary Hall A
ESCP Honorary Member Awards
Chairs: Per Nilsson (Sweden), Gabriela Möslein (Germany)
10:05 - 10:15
Plenary Hall A
ESCP Awards
Presented by: Per Nilsson (Sweden), Gabriela Möslein (Germany)
ESCP Best Paper, Best Welcome Poster, Best Surgical Video, Best New Trial and Best Y-ESCP abstract Presentation Awards.
10:20 - 11:50
Plenary Hall A
Symposium: Strategies for managing locally advanced colonic cancer
Chairs: Des Winter (Ireland), Gregor Norčič (Slovenia)
10:20 - 11:40
Parallel Hall F2
Symposium: Trials Methodology
Chairs: Dion Morton (UK), Oded Zmora (Israel)
- Beyond the comic opera: addressing bias in surgical research - Charles Knowles (UK)
- Efficient surgical trial design: Building a better bicycle - Richard Hooper (UK)
- Recruiting to RCTs: What can we learn from the flatlands - Christianne Buskens (The Netherlands)
- Panel discussion
10:20 - 11:35
Parallel Hall M
Joint ESCP/EHTG Symposium 
Chair: Gabriela Möslein (Germany), Rory Kennelly (Ireland)
11:00 - 12:30
Parallel Hall N
Educational: Optimising pre and post operative care, improving outcome and reducing complications
Chairs: Janindra Warusavitarne (UK), Sebastiano Biondo (Spain)
11:35 - 12:45 |
Brunch |
11:40 - 12:05 |
12:15 - 12:40 |
12:30 - 14:00
Plenary Hall A
Symposium: Simple solutions for challenging perineal problems
Chairs: Ethem Gecim (Turkey), Iain Anderson (UK)
13:00 - 14:00
Parallel Hall N
Educational: The Big Debate: CME Open vs. Laparoscopic
Chairs: Danilo Miskovic (UK), Neil Mortensen (UK)
14:00 - 14:05
Closing ceremony