Time | Event | Location |
07:45 - 09:00
Oral Posters - Neoplasia
Chairs: Arto Rantala (Finland), Dragomir Dardanov (Bulgaria)
- OP13: Rectal cancer tumour height and pre-operative radiotherapy impair quality of life due to bowel dysfunction: a stratification tool to inform decision-making - NJ Battersby (UK)
- OP14: Time to local recurrence as a prognostic factor in patients with rectal cancer - Karin Westberg (Sweden)
- OP15: Does side-to-end anastomosis improve functional results comparing to straight anastomosis after low anterior resection? - Dmitriy Pikunov (Russia)
- OP16: A comparison of patient characteristics and practice patterns in patients undergoing rectal cancer surgery in the United States (US) and England - Aruna Munasinghe (UK)
- OP17: Preoperative treatment selection in rectal cancer: a population based cohort study - Anders Elliot (Sweden)
- OP18: The frequency of pathological complete response and the overall survival after neoadjuvant radiotherapy (ypCR) in curative major resections for advanced rectal cancer: a national population based study - Hans H Wasmuth (Norway)
- OP19: Mismatch repair and synchronous metastatic disease in colorectal cancer: a nationwide cohort study - Andreas Nordholm-Carstensen (Denmark)
- OP20: Oncological results of extralevator abdomnioperineal excision (ELAPE) in a Swedish, national cohort - Mattias Prytz (Sweden)
- OP21: Digestive and anastomotic complications in the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) after radical surgery (CRS) + peritoneal chemohyperthermia (HIPEC). Morbidity and mortality lower than the complex cancer surgery. Carcinomatosis Peritoneal Programme of Catalonia: 513 patients - Oriol Crusellas Maña (Spain)
- OP22: Rectal outcomes after a liver-first management of patients with stage IV rectal cancer - Nicolas Buchs (Switzerland)
- OP23: Impact of time interval to surgery after short-course chemoradiotherapy on pathologic response - Zaman Mamedli (Russia)
- OP24: Transanal total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer: short-term outcomes after 100 cases - Marta Tasende (Spain)
- OP25: Salvage surgery for anal squamous cell carcinoma: prognostic factors for recurrence and survival - Maziar Nikberg (Sweden)
- OP26: Impact of postoperative peritoneal infection on disease-free survival in patients with stage II colon cancer - Patricia Sanchez (Spain)
- OP27: High arterial ligation and risk of anastomotic leakage in anterior resection for rectal cancer in high-risk patients: a population-based cohort study - Petrus Boström (Sweden)
Hall 115
Oral Poster - Functional and Proctology
Chairs: Jean-Luc Faucheron (France), Pedro Correia da Silva (Portugal)
- OP28: Sacral nerve stimulation for irritable bowel syndrome: a medium-term assessment of efficacy - Janne Fassov (Denmark)
- OP29: Is temporary ileostomy after TME a risk factor for LARS? A prospective multicentre study - Katrine J. Emmertsen (Denmark)
- OP30: Prospective randomised mixed methods pilot trial of sacral and percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation for faecal incontinence - Noel Thin (UK)
- OP31: Changes in the response in vitro to excitatory antagonists and agonists in patients with asymptomatic diverticular disease - Fran Espin (Spain)
- OP32: Randomised pilot trial of transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation using a novel device (GekoTM) for faecal incontinence - Craig Rimmer (UK)
- OP33: Quality of life differences in male and female patients with faecal incontinence - Lluís Mundet (Spain)
- OP34: Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS): a novel alternative treatment option for chronic therapy resistant anal fissure - Mari Dahlberg (Sweden)
- OP35: Sacral nerve stimulation for bowel dysfunction; preliminary results from a European two centre prospective database - Jakob Duelund-Jakobsen (Denmark)
- OP36: Long-term experience with the FENIX magnetic sphincter augmentation device for patients with severe faecal incontinence - Anders Mellgren (USA)
- OP37: The artificial bowel sphincter for patients with fecal incontinence and large anal sphincter defects: a single center study - Jarno Melenhorst (The Netherlands)
- OP38: A computational model of SNS induced electric current flow - Yasuko Maeda (UK)
- OP39: Anatomic changes of laparoscopic or robotic ventral rectopexy to pelvic floor using MRI-defecography and POP-Q method: a prospective randomised study - Johanna Mäkela-Kaikkonen (Finland)
- OP40: Topical platelet lysate hydrogel in patients with anal fissure: randomized double-blind controlled trial - Leila Ghahramani (Iran)
- OP41: Tissue selecting technique versus stapled hemorrhoidopexy for grade III-IV prolapsing hemorrhoids: a randomized controlled clinical trial - Dong-Lin Ren (China)
- OP42: Efficacy of the synthetic bioabsorbable fistula plug for the management of anal fistulas: results after 4 years - Faramarz Pakravan (Germany)
Hall 115
07:45 - 10:00
Educational: Trainees Video Session: Standardised step-by-step teaching videos
Supported by an educational grant from Ethicon
Chairs: Mike Parker (UK), David Zimmerman (Netherlands)
- Hand-sewn anastomosis after right hemicolectomy - Eloy Espin (Spain)
- Stapled anastomosis after right hemicolectomy - Martin Hübner (Switzerland)
- Open hemorrhoidectomy - Paul-Antoine Lehur (France)
- Stapled hemorrhoidectomy - Simona Giuratrabocchetta (Italy)
- Advancement flap for anal fistula - Bruno Roche (Switzerland)
- Anal fistula plug - Giordano Pasquale (UK)
- Laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy - Guilliaume Meurette (France)
- Laparoscopic lavage for acute diverticulitis - Willem Bemelman (Netherlands)
Hall 113
09:00 - 10:00
 Research Focus Symposium: New strategies in early rectal cancer
Chairs: Mario Morino (Italy), Eric Rullier (France)
- TEM and irradiation vs TME for T1T2: the UK TREC trial - Simon Bach (UK)
- Local excision vs TME after downstaged T2T3: the French GRECCAR 2 trial - Quentin Denost (France)
- Wait and see after complete response: the Dutch strategy - Gerard Beets (Netherlands)
A joint ESCP/EAES session
Hall 115 |
10:00 - 10:30
Keynote Lecture: Rectal prolapse - which choice?
Chair: André D’Hoore (Belgium)
Speaker: Evaghelos Xynos (Greece)
Hall 115 |
10:30 - 11:30
Coffee Break, Exhibition and Posters
Includes Lunchtime and Oral Posters, all other posters are available in Hall 112 on level P1
Exhibition Hall |
11:30 - 12:30
Symposium: Functional disorders following intestinal resection
Chairs: Marek Szczepkowski (Poland), Yehiel Ziv (Israel)
Hall 115 |
12:30 - 12:35
Colorectal Disease: Journal Update
- Editor in Chief appointment update – Emmanuel Tiret, Chair Editorial Board
- Future direction – Neil Mortensen, Editor in Chief elect
Hall 115 |
12:35 - 13:05
ASCRS Keynote Lecture: Fellowship training in coloproctology
Chair: Ronan O’Connell (Ireland)
Speaker: Terry Hicks (USA)
Hall 115 |
13:05 - 14:30
Lunch and Exhibition
Includes Lunchtime and Oral Posters, all other posters are available in Hall 112 on level P1
Exhibition Hall
Lunchtime Poster session
Educational: Trainee Round Table Lunch Session
For trainees only. Case presentation and table discussion with experts
Chairs: Klaus Matzel (Germany), Baljit Singh (UK)
Experts: Felix Aigner (Germany), Donato Altomare (Italy), Daniel Dindo (Switzerland), Stanley Goldberg (USA), Alexander Herold (Germany), Christoph Isbert (Germany), Guillaume Meurette (France), Tom Øresland (Norway), Yves Panis (France), Eric Rullier (France), Thomas Schiedeck (Germany) Annika Sjövall (Sweden)
- Strategy in hereditary colorectal cancer - Gabriela Moeslein (Germany)
- Cancerous polyps: what is the next step? - Gabriela Moeslein (Germany)
- Complete mesocolic excision: sometimes or always? - Harald Rosen (Austria)
- Strategy in perianal Crohn’s disease - Harald Rosen (Austria)
Hall 111
14:30 - 16:00
The Six Best and Visiting Fellow Free Papers
Prize awarded by the BJS Society
Chairs: Ronan O’Connell (Ireland), Yury Shelygin (Russia)
ASCRS Visiting Fellow free paper
- Recurrence and survival in patients with UT2UN0 rectal cancer (RC) treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation (CRT) and local excision (LE): results of the ACOSOG Z6041 trial - Julio Garcia-Aguilar (USA)
Japanese Visiting Fellow free paper
- Area-specific prognostic values of mesothelin in Stage II colorectal cancer: a tissue-microarray based approach - Eiji Shinto (Japan)
The ESCP Six Best Papers
- B1: Long term oncological and clinical outcomes after extralevatory abdominoperineal resection and conventional abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer: a nationwide study - Emilie Colov (Denmark)
- B2: Long-term results of a randomized controlled trial comparing preoperative conventional chemoradiotherapy with short-course radiotherapy with delayed surgery for rectal cancer - Tadas Latkauskas (Lithuania)
- B3: A novel low rectal cancer stratification tool to predict the risk of circumferential resection margin involvement: data from the prospective MERCURY II study - Nick J Battersby (UK)
- B4: Multi-center randomized placebo-controlled study of percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in patients with faecal incontinence - Aart van der Wilt (Netherlands)
- B5: Novel technology assessment in early colorectal cancer: Population level survival analysis of local excision versus major resection - Aneel Bhangu (USA)
- B6: The healing effect of mesenchymal adipose-tissue-derived stem cells on colonic anastomosis under ischaemic condition - Tony Mak (Hong Kong)
Hall 115 |
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break, Exhibition and Posters
Includes Lunchtime and Oral Posters, all other posters are available in Hall 112 on level P1
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 16:45
 ESCP Fellowship Update
Hall 115 |
16:45 - 17:15
Keynote Lecture: Rectal cancer - is it time to do less?
Chair: Anna Martling (Sweden)
Speaker: Eric Rullier (France)
Supported by a grant from the BJS Society
Hall 115 |
17:15- 18:15
Free Papers - Neoplasia
Chairs: Istvan Besznyak (Hungary), Evgeny Rybakov (Russia)
- F13: Multimodal treatment of rectal cancer using short-course neoadjuvant radiotherapy with fluoropyrimidines chemotherapy - Zaman Mamedli (Russia)
- F14: Anastomotic leak is not associated with oncologic outcome in patients undergoing sphincter-saving surgery for rectal cancer. On behalf of the members of the Spanish Rectal Cancer Project - Eloy Espin-Basany (Spain)
- F15: The UK National Bowel Cancer Awareness Campaign: more cost, increase in referral of the affluent worried well and no increase in cancer detected - Susan Hall (UK)
- F16: Complete pathological response in a national cohort of rectal cancer patients - Per Loftås (Sweden)
- F17: Diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography staging in identifying poor prognostic factors in colon cancer - Gemma Gossedge (UK)
- F18: Perineal versus laparoscopic low rectal dissection for cancer: functional results of a randomized trial - Quentin Denost (France)
Hall 115
Free Papers - miscellaneous
Chairs: Alexander Herold (Germany), Goran Stanojevic (Serbia)
- F19: Age, preoperative subcutaneous fat area and open laparotomy are risk factors for incisional hernia following colorectal cancer surgery - Toru Yamada (Japan)
- F20: The use of breath testing to diagnose acute appendicitis: a novel approach - Parthasarathi Das (UK)
- F21: Does inclusion of imaging in the work up of patients with clinically suspected appendicitis reduce the rate of unnecessary surgical procedures? - Kevin Göttgens (The Netherlands)
- F22: Clinical effects, mechanical strength and immunohistopathological analysis of seven clinically relevant tissue adhesives with regard to colorectal anastomosis: an in-vivo study - Konstantinos Vakalopoulos (The Netherlands)
- F23: Near infra-red (NIR) microperfusion imaging in minimally invasive colorectal surgery: a multicentric prospective study - Frederic Ris (Switzerland)
- F24: Prediction of hospital mortality using data mining methods - Maria Diaz-Tobarra (Spain)
Hall 114
Educational: Interactive Trainee Workshop
Interactive case presentations
Chairs: Katherine Gash (UK), Dieter Hahnloser (Switzerland)
- Anastomotic leakage - Annika Sjövall (Sweden)
- Anal pain - Ethem Gecim (Turkey)
- Acute diverticulitis - Des Winter (Ireland)
Hall 113
18:15 - 19:00
ESCP Annual General Meeting
Hall 114 |
ESCP Meal Out at Can Travi Nou