Register your interest for the training pathway - complete the form below

Submit your application for the ColoRobotica Training Pathway

Having met the eligibility criteria, you’re now at Step 02 of the ColoRobotica Training Pathway application process: form submission.

We recommend reviewing the application form carefully to fully understand the information required. Gather all necessary materials and documents beforehand to ensure a comprehensive and smooth submission process.

The Steering Committee will review your application. Expect to hear from us within 14 days about the next steps.

“*” indicates a mandatory field.

Personal data

Contact data


Requirements / Qualification

Do you have the EBSQ diploma in coloproctology?

Please fill in the calendar years your refer to in line 1 (for example IF the current calendar year is 2021, fill in 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018) and the number of resections for this calendar years in line 2. Thanks.

This year Previous year Year before last 2 years before last
Calendar year
Number of colorectal resections
Number of open procedures (last 5 years) Number of laparoscopic procedures (last 5 years) Number of robotic procedures (last 5 years) Total number of procedures (last 5 years)
Right hemicolectomy
Low Anterior Resection
Can you provide a summary of audit data evaluating your clinical outcomes as per standard practice for the last 12 months?
Do you engage in regular clinical audits in line with your regional (country) practice?
Do you have access to at least one robotic platform?
Do you have access to at least one robotic surgery simulation system?
Is your institution supporting your application for attending the ESCP colorectal robotic training program?


Language Skills


Data privacy policy

Affiliate Societies