On 27 Sep 2019

ESCP announced the winner of the best abstract research paper - ‘Secondary sphincter repair for anal incontinence following obstetric sphincter injury: functional outcome at 18-years follow-up’ by Malou Barbosa et al - at Vienna 2019 this week.

On 27 Sep 2019

As Thursday dawned, thousands of delegates from across the globe packed into the Austria Center in Vienna for another highly anticipated day at ESCP’s 14th Annual conference.

On 27 Sep 2019

Bringing together insights on better surgical care from three different continents in one symposium is no mean feat, but that’s what occurred in Hall A on Wednesday evening as delegates witnessed a first for ESCP’s Annual Congress – a new Global Surgery symposium. Per Nilsson (Sweden) opened by noting that he hopes this will become a regular fixture in future Meetings and that by extending ESCP’s reach to all continents is what will help build new platforms to facilitate crucial colorectal research.

On 26 Sep 2019

Wednesday evening on Day 2 of ESCP’s 14th Annual Meeting in Vienna rounded off with two session in the main auditorium. First, a Keynote on Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Optimisation for Major Surgery.

On 26 Sep 2019

On Thursday 26th September at ESCP’s 14th Annual Conference in Vienna, three renowned speakers from across Europe took the stage to present at the joint ESCP/EAES (European Association for Endoscopic Surgery) Symposium held in Plenary Hall A. The morning session was chaired by Alexey Petrov (Russia) and Des Winter (Ireland).

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