Guilherme Pagin São Julião with Cristián Gallardo

On 14 Jul 2020

Cristián Gallardo interviews Guilherme Pagin São Julião, colorectal surgeon from São Paulo, about the current reality facing surgeons in Brazil with the COVID-19 crisis. #SouthAmericaWeek

On 13 Jul 2020

Cristián Gallardo kicks off #SouthAmericaWeek with an introduction to the subcontinent, the role of ALACP and areas of colorectal research being pursued. Cristián is from Hospital Clínico San Borja Arriarán, Santiago, Chile.

On 10 Jul 2020

ESCP's Global Reach Committee is delighted to announce its first webinar which will broadcast on Friday 24 July 2020.

Johannes Schultz, Eva Angenete, Zoe Garoufalia and Stephanie Breukink

On 9 Jul 2020

Interview by Zoe Garoufalia. Introduction by the authors Johannes Schultz and Eva Angenete.

Vittoria Bellato and Gabriela Möslein

On 8 Jul 2020

Interview by Vittoria Bellato. Professor Gabriela Möslein is ESCP's General Secretary, Chair of the EHTG (European Hereditary Tumour Group) and Director of the Centre for Hereditary Tumours at Bethesda Hospital in Germany. She has dedicated her professional focus towards hereditary colorectal cancer both as a researcher and scientific communicator and is acknowledged worldwide for her contribution and expertise.

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