The application deadline is quickly approaching for several popular annual ESCP Fellowships, and members are advised to get their applications in as quickly as possible.
The Korean Society of Coloproctology Fellowship applications closes on Wednesday 25 July while three other deadlines fall on Friday 10 August, just a few weeks away.
Members can now apply for these once-in-a-lifetime Fellowship opportunities online which are open to ESCP members only.
The criteria for each Fellowship is set out with full detail in the Education & Training Hub. The upcoming application deadlines are:
- Korean Society of Coloproctology (KSCP) Travelling Fellowship – Wednesday 25 July
- ESCP-funded Observerships – Friday 17 August
- ESCP-funded Fellowships – Friday 17 August
- Japan Society of Coloproctology (JSCP) Travelling Fellowship – Friday 10 August
ESCP’s Education Committee has redesigned the Fellowship application process to make it easier for busy colorectal surgeons to find and apply for opportunities which suit them.
Expertly designed by leading colorectal practitioners
ESCP’s Fellowship programme is led by Professor Klaus Matzel (Education Committee Chair), Mr Muhammad Imran Aslam (Fellowship Programme Working Group Chair) and Ms Vanessa Wise (Fellowship Manager). They are supported in their work by an Education Committee of experienced colorectal surgeons who arrange an annual programme of learning and education opportunities including online resources, Fellowships and masterclasses for members
Moving the Fellowship programme and application online will help more members from across Europe access these exceptional opportunities.
Muhammed Imran Aslam said:
“We’ve overhauled and reworked the Fellowship Programme for 2018 and are proud to remind members that all applications can now be done online. Although there are variations across different host centres on what can be offered, due to local regulations, every single opportunity represented here has been hand-picked by ESCP for its highly-expert teachers and unique practice examples.
“Every single Fellow will benefit greatly from participating, and we have found there is mutual benefit for the host centres as well. I encourage each and every member of ESCP to investigate these opportunities and apply before the 10th of August 2018.”
Professor Klaus Matzel said: “We encourage members to get thinking about their applications sooner than later in order to put their best foot forward. We’ve made the process as straightforward and intuitive as possible, but competition for these prestigious opportunities is stiff, so we suggest a considered approach.”
A career-enriching experience
Previous Fellows have benefited greatly from their experiences of these unique ESCP education opportunities. Members can read their accounts online on the Fellowships and Training Opportunities page by scrolling through each Fellowship for reports from previous Fellows.
One such example is Alexander Forero from Hospital Universitario del Sureste in Madrid, Spain, who undertook a 3-week Observership at St James's University Hospital in Leeds, UK. He said the experience has “exponentially improved [his] surgical knowledge” and that his experience will be “useful on a daily basis” in his practice going forward.
ESCP’s Education Committee encourages all members to review the criteria and apply now for what will surely be a career-enriching experience.