Periop Management

Folder Periop Management


video Prehabilitation, nutrition and optimisation for major surgery

By In Periop Management

Keynote Lecture - Debby Keller at ESCP Vienna 2019

video IMAGINE study preliminary results: an international, observational study of postoperative ileus and provision of management after surgery (a EuroSurg Student Initiative)

By In Periop Management

International Trials Results Forum - Tim van Elst (The Netherlands) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Strategies to reduce superficial surgical site infection

By In Periop Management

Keynote Lecture - Marja Boermeester (The Netherlands) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Core Subject Update: Bowel preparation

By In Periop Management

Educational session - Yves Panis (France) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Core Subject Update: Definition, prevention and treatment of postoperative ileus

By In Periop Management

Educational session - Martin Hübner (Switzerland) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: Introduction

By In Periop Management

Symposium - Olle Ljunqvist (Sweden)

video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: Prehabilitation in the elderly

By In Periop Management

Symposium - Christianne Buskens (The Netherlands) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: ERAS - what's left of it?

By In Periop Management

Symposium - Jose M Ramirez (Spain) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: Pain management - do's and dont's

By In Periop Management

Symposium - Nicolas Demartines (Switzerland) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: Panel debate

By In Periop Management

Symposium chaired by Nicolas Demartines (Switzerland), Olle Ljungqvist (Sweden)

document Perioperative Management (Chapter 36, European Manual of Medicine: Coloproctology Second Edition)

By In Periop Management

New technologies and increasing surgical specialization have allowed surgeons to push the limits and perform increasingly complex surgical procedures even in elderly and frail patients. Recent improvements in perioperative care aim to reduce postoperative complications and thus to ameliorate and accelerate postoperative recovery.

Seemingly simple measures such as proper administration of antibiotic prophylaxis and skin disinfection have lowered surgical site infection rates. Perioperative nutritional support has been shown to reduce (infectious) complications, duration of hospital stay, and costs.

The underlying mechanism of many individual measures is to attenuate excessive postsurgical stress response. The best prevention is no doubt the reduction of surgical trauma; this explains the impressive results of minimally invasive surgery.

A comprehensive combination of multiple useful measures is an appealing approach to optimize perioperative care and hence postoperative outcomes. This idea has been realized and developed over the past decade with the advent of enhanced recovery pathways.

Standardization and improvement of perioperative management was followed by a reduction of the surgical stress response and consecutively a tremendous reduction of postoperative complications (by 50 %). The most welcome side effects were a shortened hospital stay and reduced health care costs.

video Bowel preparation for colorectal surgery revisited

By In Periop Management

Keynote Lecture - Yves Panis at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Core Subject Update: Perioperative managment in colorectal surgery

By In Periop Management

Educational session - Martin Hübner at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Post-operative ileus: decreasing the risk

By In Periop Management

ASCRS Keynote Lecture - Charles Littlejohn at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Interactive Trainee Workshop: Postoperative sepsis

By In Periop Management

Educational session - Dieter Hahnloser at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Transabdominal- transanal total mesorrectal excision in metacronous rectal cancer

By In Periop Management

Video Surgery - Marta Jimenez-Toscano at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Three hour postoperative arterial lactate is an independent predictor of postoperative outcomes following elective colorectal surgery

By In Periop Management

Oral Poster - Konstantinos Lasithiotakis at ESCP Barcelona 2014

pdf Randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of probiotics after mechanical bowel preparation and colonoscopy

By In Periop Management

One of the Six Best Papers - Basil D’Souza (Australia) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Insufflation of warm, humidified Co2 during open abdominal surgery reduces loss of peritoneal mesothelium and increases sub-peritoneal tissue oxygen tension in a rat model

By In Periop Management

Short Paper - Jean Marshall (Australia) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Elderly patients can adhere to and benefit from enhanced recovery care after colorectal surgery

By In Periop Management

Short Paper - Nigel Bagnall (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Preoperative hospitalisation - a risk factor for venous thromboembolism after colorectal surgery: a NSQIP study

By In Periop Management

Short Paper - Stefan Holubar (USA) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Obesity, regardless of comorbidity, influences outcomes after colorectal surgery - time to rethink the pay-for-performance metrics?

By In Periop Management

Short Paper - Ravi Kiran (USA) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video The impact of enhanced recovery protocol compliance on outcome following elective colorectal cancer resection

By In Periop Management

Free paper - Andrew Currie at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Fast-track colorectal surgery

By In Periop Management

Core subject update - Nicolas Demartines at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Early removal of urethral catheter post-colorectal resection in patients with an epidural catheter

By In Periop Management

Oral poster - Eldriana Rizal at ESCP Vienna 2012

video The impact of enhanced recovery on the requirement for post-operative radiological imaging

By In Periop Management

Free Paper - Jennifer Lane at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Antiplatelet and anticoagulation agents in colorectal surgery

By In Periop Management

Keynote lecture - Jørn Dalsgaard Nielsen at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Laparoscopic total meso-rectal excision (TME) for rectal cancer is associated with significantly better sexual function preservation than open surgery

By In Periop Management

Oral poster - Emma McGlone at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video Insights into fast-track in colorectal surgery: a plea for tailored program

By In Periop Management

Oral poster - Remue Christophe at ESCP Sorrento 2010

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