Your Details:

Abstract *

Please submit your best scientific original work in the form of an abstract as you might be asked to do an oral presentation about your work at JSCP/ KSCP annual conference.

The abstract must include:

  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Word limit - 300 words. Work presented in other society meetings will be allowed. Case reports and review articles are not allowed. Abstract must not include personal statements.

Referee Details:

1. Age

2. ESCP membership

3. Committees or young ESCP membership?

4. Time from Graduation from medical school

5. Country of medical school

6. Country of surgical practice


8. Attendance to ESCP annual conference?

9. Time in colorectal surgery practice

10. Number of Publications

11. Number of Publications in the field of coloproctology

12. Number of National/International Presentations in past 5 years

13. ESCP snapshot audits

Select all options if applicable.

14. Have you been awarded a fellowship by ESCP in the past

Select all options if applicable.

15. Operative experience past 5 years

16. Research Qualifications

17. International Awards

Affiliate Societies