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video Mesh in pelvis, what we know and learned

By In Rectal Prolapse

Guidelines updates - Carolynne Vaizey (UK) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Robotic-assisted CME with ICA

By In Rectal Cancer

Intuitive Satellite Symposium - Ellen Van Eetvelde (Belgium), Paulo Bianchi (Italy) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Mesh for internal prolapse and/or rectocele: evidence and case

By In Rectal Prolapse

Guidelines updates - Mia Kim (Germany) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Management of Bowel Endometriosis: Bowel endometriosis as seen from a general surgeon

By In Endometriosis

ESCP/ESGE Symposium - Jean-Jacques Tuech (France) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video How fluorescence technology can help you

By In Varia

Medtronic Satellite Symposium - Roel Hompes (The Netherlands) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Emergency Colorectal Surgery: Left-sided anastomotic leakage: what to do now?

By In Varia

Educational session - Roel Hompes (The Netherlands) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Ferguson hemorroidectomy and ligation anopexy

By In Haemorrhoids

Trainee video session - prepared by Frederic Ris (Switzerland) for ESCP Barcelona 2021

video My Most Challenging Case: Management of complex fistula in ano

By In Anorectal Abscess and Fistula

Educational session - Asha Senapati (UK) and Sam Stefan, Trainee (UK) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Functional Disorders and the Pelvic Floor: The neuro-entreric axis

By In Constipation

Symposium - Jacopp Martellucci (Italy) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Functional Disorders and the Pelvic Floor: Constipation - definitions and syndromes

By In Constipation

Symposium - Chloé Melchior (Sweden) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Emergency Colorectal Surgery: Subtotal colectomy for acute CUC - when and how?

By In Ulcerative Colitis

Educational session - Jasper Stijns (Belgium) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Discoid resection of rectal endometriosis

By In Endometriosis

Trainee video session - prepared by Marek Zawadzki (Poland) for ESCP Barcelona 2021

video My Most Challenging Case: Acute appendicitis - challenges in appendicular abscess

By In Appendicitis

Educational session - Daniel Clerc (Switzerland) and Pauline Curchod, Trainee (Switzerland) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Ileocolic anastomosis after right hemicolectomy

By In Colon Cancer

Trainee video session - prepared by Jasper Stijns (Belgium) for ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Total Neodjuvant Treatment (TNT) for Rectal Cancer: Microsatellite instability, how we have got to immunotherapy and results of immunotherapy

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - James Hill (UK) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Enterostomy

By In Stomas and Stomatherapy

Trainee video session - prepared by Ines Rubio-Perez (Spain) for ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Avoiding ureter injury in colorectal surgery

By In Varia

Trainee video session - prepared by David Zimmerman (The Netherlands) for ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Principles of ICG and indications in colorectal surgery

By In Varia

Medtronic Satellite Symposium - Eloy Espin Basany (Spain) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Pregnancy and the Colorectal Surgeon: Mode of delivery in the IBD patient

By In Varia

Symposium - Christian Selinger (Germany) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Will all rectal cancer care be centralised? Prepare, fail, or ...?

By In Rectal Cancer

Keynote Lecture - Tomas Poskus (Lithuania) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Functional Disorders and the Pelvic Floor: Functional Results after Ventral Rectopexy and overcoming challenges

By In Rectal Prolapse

Symposium - Chris Cunningham (UK) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video The other robots - disruptive technology near market entry

By In Varia

ESCP/EAES Symposium - Alberto Arezzo (Italy) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Contemporary management of Crohn's disease - an update from the ECCO guidelines

By In Crohn's Disease

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Michel Adamina (Switzerland) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Mesh for perineal reconstruction

By In Rectal Cancer

Guidelines updates - Gabrielle van Ramshorst (The Netherlands) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video The future of surgery is bright: clinical applications of advanced imaging and AI

By In Varia

ESCP/EAES Symposium - Manuel Barberio (France) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Moving towards a quality revolution in IBD surgery

By In Ulcerative Colitis

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Omar Faiz (UK) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video LARS: new mechanisms and new treatments

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Julie Cornish at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Gene and gender guidelines for Lynch Syndrome (GGGLS) - Key Message and a case

By In Genetics

Guidelines updates - Toni Seppälä (Finland) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Acute Severe Colitis: Optimal medial rescue

By In Ulcerative Colitis

Symposium - David Laharie at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Chronic Anal Pain: Diagnosis not Dispair

By In Chronic Pelvic and Perineal Pain

Symposium - Peter Christensen (Denmark) or Charles Knowles (UK) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

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