APOLLO: Acute PresentatiOn of CoLorectaL Cancer: an internatiOnal snapshot: An international, multi-centre study of emergency presentations of colorectal cancer

Trial Overview

Acronym APOLLO
Number v1.0
Protocol Link https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05641129?term=APOLLO+colorectal+cancer&draw=2&rank=1
Status Open/recruiting
Category Colorectal Cancer - All
Treatment Course Surgery

Trial Description

Describe the variation in the operative and non-operative management of emergency presentations of colon and rectal cancer in an international cohort. Secondary aim is to identify risk factors for mortality (intraoperatively, at 30-days and at 90-days) and ostomy rates (at 30- and 90-days) in patients deemed for active management (i.e., not for palliative management) to develop a risk prediction model

Chief Investigator

EuroSurg Collaborative
Profile Link

Lead Centre

University of Birmingham
97 Vincent Drive
Birmingham, United Kingdom
B15 2SQ
United Kingdom

Additional Information

Full Research Summary
Affiliate Societies