On 20 Feb 2023

In this interview, Mr Papagrigoriadis shares with the ESCP audience tips and tricks on current treatment of faecal incontinence.

On 17 Feb 2023

Faecal Incontinence Month: Diagnosis in Faecal incontinence - what should we know? An interview with Dr José de Assunção Gonçalves

On 16 Feb 2023

February's paper of the month looks at the treatment of patients with metastastic colorectal cancer patients with BRAFV600E mutations.

On 13 Feb 2023

Watch the full interview with Dr Nicola Avellaneda below and learn what treaments Prof Christensen and his team utilise, and his thoughts on the ESCP Faecal Incontinence Audit. 

On 10 Feb 2023

Jeremy Meyers interviews Dr Alexandre Balaphas on the prevalence of anal incontinence

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