ESCP is looking forward to hosting its 6th Regional Masterclass in Rome next month. The masterclass, to be held on the 19 November at Tor Vergata University Hospital, has been organised by long-standing ESCP Education Committee member, David Zimmerman, and Filippo La Torre. It will focus on treating complex anal fistula and will feature renowned expert, Christoph Isbert.
Zimmerman, whose day job is colorectal surgeon, surgical oncologist and Chair of the Department of Surgery at Elisabeth-Twee Steden Hospital, Tilburg, Netherlands, explains why an educational focus on complex anal fistula is so important:
“Perianal fistula is a very common problem that is often treated by junior doctors, with little experience and knowledge about it. The Masterclass in Rome will seek to address this concern among trainee surgeons.”
“In the courses we highlight both the commonly accepted techniques, including the risks and dangers, as well as newer techniques that are frequently introduced. It is important that these techniques are introduced with caution. As such, we focus on potential benefits, but also present objective evidence (which can be limited) and pitfalls. In this way we hope to prevent frivolous implementation at the cost of patient satisfaction,” continues Zimmerman.
Other speakers include Giovanni Milito, Kevin Gottgens, Dieter Hahnloser Phil Tozer, Reinhard Ruppert and Sezai Leventoglu.
Zimmerman sums up:
“While the course is particularly useful for trainees with a basic knowledge of fistula treatment and anorectal anatomy, senior surgeons will also definitely find it of interest.”
ESCP 6th Regional Masterclass on Complex Anal Fistula takes place in Rome, Italy on 19th November 2018. Find out more and register here