
Folder Haemorrhoids


video Core Subject Update: Haemorrhoidal disease Popular

By In Haemorrhoids

Educational session - Alexander Herold at ESCP Milan 2016

video Trainee Round Table Session: Haemorrhoidal disease

By In Haemorrhoids

Educational session - Carlo Ratto at ESCP Milan 2016

video Painful piles are fissures

By In Haemorrhoids

Oral Poster (Proctology and Functional) - David Cruttenden-Wood at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Open haemorroidectomy

By In Haemorrhoids

Trainee video session - Paul Antoine Lehur at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Stapled haemorroidectomy

By In Haemorrhoids

Trainee video session - Simona Giuratraboccetta at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Proctologic complications/recurrences: After haemorroid surgery

By In Haemorrhoids

Symposium - Gabriele Naldini at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Dopler guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation: long-term results of 7-year follow-up

By In Haemorrhoids

Oral Poster (Proctology) - Ibrahim Yilmaz at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Haemorrhoid treatment using the Ultroid direct current method: results for the first 100 patients treated in the UK

By In Haemorrhoids

Oral Poster (Proctology) - Mark Hudson-Peacock at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Tissue selecting technique versus stapled hemorrhoidopexy for grade III-IV prolapsing hemorrhoids: a randomized controlled clinical trial

By In Haemorrhoids

Oral Poster (Proctology) - Dong-Lin Ren at ESCP Barcelona 2014

pdf High-grade hemorrhoids requiring surgical treatment are common after laparoscopic ventral rectopexy

By In Haemorrhoids

One of the Six Best Papers - Jan van Iersel (The Netherlands) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Proctology: Haemorrhoids

By In Haemorrhoids

Symposium - Charles Whitlow (USA) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video Haemorrhoids: cut, pexy, ligation: when and how?

By In Haemorrhoids

Keynote lecture - Thomas Schiedeck at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Haemorrhoidal disease: what treatment options are available, and what is my preferred method?

By In Haemorrhoids

Trainee lunch workshop - Alexander Herold at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video New innovative technologies in colorectal surgery: Initial experience with EEA haemorrhoid and prolapse stapler set

By In Haemorrhoids

Covidien Satellite Symposium - Donato F Altomare at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video Is stapled haemorrhoidopexy cost-effective and even cost-saving in UK clinical practice?

By In Haemorrhoids

Oral poster - David Jayne at ESCP Sorrento 2010

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