Benign Tumours

Folder Benign Tumours


video Colorectal GIST

By In Benign Tumours

Keynote lecture - Bruno Cola at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Polyp cancers: analysis of pathological features predictive of node metastases

By In Benign Tumours

Oral poster - Leonardo Centonze at ESCP Belgrade 2013

pdf Laparoscopic assisted colonoscopic endomucosal resection provides an option for management of complex colonic polyps

By In Benign Tumours

Short Paper - Michael Davies (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video Is innovation in surgery less than ideal? a case study of laparoendoscopic approaches to colonic polyps

By In Benign Tumours

Oral Poster - Andrew Currie at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Intestinal polyposis: New, non-invasive screening tools for colonic polyps

By In Benign Tumours

Symposium - Frank Oort at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Total laparoscopic right colectomy with vaginal extraction

By In Benign Tumours

Video Surgery - Tolga Muftuoglu at ESCP Dublin 2015

document Benign Tumours (Chapter 22, European Manual of Medicine: Coloproctology Second Edition)

By In Benign Tumours

This chapter gives a short and understandable overview of benign colon tumors. Benign tumors can be separated roughly into two major groups, namely, epithelial and mesenchymal lesions. These two groups can be separated in multiple subgroups that are explained in detail within the chapter.

Polyp is a well-known term mostly connected with tumours of the colon. A polyps can be defined as a small clump of cells that form on the lining of the colon. Polyps show a certain diversity and hence can be classified by aspect, origin (cell type), and malignant potency. Therapy and follow-up can be planned based on these aspects.

video Laparoscopic-assisted taTME for a giant and acutely incarcerated rectal polyp

By In Benign Tumours

ESCP were honoured to catch up with taTME pioneer Dr Patricia Sylla from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Alongside Dr Antonio Lacy, Dr Sylla performed the first ever taTME procedure, so we were delighted to have both involved in our taTME month.

You can watch Dr Sylla’s introductory interview here

video Unusual Anorectal Pathologies: Management of intra-mural rectal lesions (NET and GIST)

By In Benign Tumours

Symposium - Peter Sagar (UK) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video TREND study: RCT of TEM vs EMR for large rectal adenomas

By In Benign Tumours

International Trials Results Forum - Evelyn Dekker (The Netherlands) with Expert commentary by Matteo Frasson (Italy) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Interactive Trainee Workshop: Management of appendix tumour

By In Benign Tumours

Educational session - Faheez Mohamed (UK) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Hybrid endoscopic - laparoscopic excision colonic polyps

By In Benign Tumours

ESCP/EAES Symposium - Robin Kennedy (UK) at ESCP Vienna 2019

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