On 23 Jan 2017

In November of 2016, I had the great honour of travelling to Japan as an ESCP Japan travelling fellow. This is a prestigious annual fellowship, established in recognition of the history and friendship between the European and Japanese societies.

On 17 Nov 2016

I was very fortunate and honoured to be selected as the first ESCP exchange fellow with the Korean Society of Coloproctology. I applied for this fellowship as this allowed me to attend a large Asian colorectal meeting, observe surgical techniques less applied in Europe, like complete mesocolic excision with (D3) central vascular ligation, and to get to know a different health care system, working environment and (professional) culture.

On 19 Oct 2016

  ESCP offered 10 opportunities between August 2015 and June 2016: 2-4 week observerships, 3-month fellowships and 6-month fellowships. Fellows report here on their experiences.

On 9 Dec 2015

I was delighted and honored to be chosen as the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) travelling fellow to Japan in November 2015. Dr Eiji Shinto (National Defense Medical College) welcomed me on my arrival; he had been the Japanese Society of Coloproctology (JSCP) travelling fellow to the ESCP meeting in 2014. Dr Shinto had kindly arranged all aspects of my trip, including which units I would visit.

On 1 Sep 2015

ESCP offered nine 3-month fellowship opportunities between August 2014 and June 2015, each worth €8,000 and eight of these were taken up. ESCP would like to express their sincere thanks to Ethicon and Medtronic, each company supported three fellows and ESCP supported three too.

On 21 Jan 2015

Colin Peirce MRCSI, MD, Specialist Registrar, Department of Colorectal Surgery, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin: It was a great honour to be awarded the European Society of Coloproctology Travelling Fellowship to Japan this year.

On 28 Jan 2015

Each year ESCP provides the opportunity for ten young surgeons with an interest in coloproctology to undertake a three-month fellowship in a different country. The 2013/14 fellowships were generously supported by a grant from Medtronic, as well as funds from ESCP. Here, three of the 2014 fellows report on their experiences:

On 29 Jul 2014

Each year ESCP provides the opportunity for ten young surgeons with an interest in coloproctology to undertake a three-month fellowship in a different country. The 2013/14 fellowships were generously supported by a grant from Medtronic, as well as funds from ESCP. Here, four of the 2014 fellows report on their experiences:

On 2 Feb 2014

It was my great privilege to have been chosen as the ESCP/JSCP travelling fellow to Japan in 2013.  The fellowship allowed me to fulfil a long-lasting ambition which I had nurtured since many years after listening to the tales of my mentor Prof Bob Steele’s visit to Japan.  My main aims of this fellowship were to specifically observe and expand my learning of sphincter preservation rectal surgery, to experience the technical advances in minimally invasive surgery particularly reduced port surgery, and to interact with academic clinicians and scientists in Japan.

On 21 Jan 2014

Each year ESCP provides the opportunity for ten young surgeons with an interest in coloproctology to undertake a three-month fellowship in a different country. Here, four of the 2013 fellows report on their experiences:

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