Continent Ileostomy Course and Workshop Application Form

There are a maximum of 18 places available on the IPAA & Continent Ileostomy Workshop.

Your application is subject to review by the Course Director. You will be notified regarding the status of your application within two weeks of applying.

Should you have any questions regarding your application please contact the ESCP Secretariat.

Eligibility criteria

Before you complete this form, it is important that you have all the information ready to upload and meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Appropriate experience specifically with ileoanal pouch
    1. Describe your level of experience with ileoanal pouch surgery (how many procedures performed)
    2. Describe if you have any experience with continent ileostomies

This will involve submission of the following:

  • CV


  • Member €1500
  • Non-Member €1800
  • A reduced fee of €1100 may be offered to members from Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Egypt, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine

All course fees include course materials, coffee breaks and lunch breaks

Costs exclude travel and accommodation for the two-day course in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

View Terms and Conditions for Educational Courses here >

Please read ESCP's Privacy Notice.

* indicates that this information is required

File extensions permitted to upload: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, docx, txt, zip. Maximum file size 1MB.



Personal details
Your qualifications and experience


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