Nomination Form for National Representatives on ESCP Council

Nominations are invited from fully paid up members. Nominations must be supported by signatures from a proposer and seconder from the same country as the nominee, who are also fully paid up members.

ESCP Secretariat

Proposed by
Seconded by

 I confirm that I have read, accept and will undertake the responsibilities of an ESCP National Representative.

Prospective National Representative

Mandatory documents for upload with the online application:

  • Curriculum Vitae (max. one A4 page) –
  • Application cover letter, to include your suitability for the role and what your intentions would be, with reference to the outlined responsibilities

Summary of responsibilities for National Representatives

Responsibilities are outlined in the ESCP Rules which work in conjunction with the Constitution; these are outlined under item 6 of the Rules. In practical terms, the Executive requests each National Representative undertakes the following responsibilities each year:




  1. Review list of members and expired members (available from the Secretariat); encourage non-members to join (online).
  2. Contact with Secretariat to review expired members and support in follow up where required
  3. Proactively seek new members not already known to ESCP
  4. Sharing ESCP membership promotional material (including the ESCP app) to members twice a year.
  5. Promote ESCP through national societies mailing lists. 

Training and Fellowship Opportunities

Ensure local training and fellowship placements/opportunities are posted on ESCP website (via the Secretariat and Communications Committee Chairman) or via a link to the National Societies website.  A template to complete your national web page is available from the Secretariat. 

Conference And Masterclass promotion

Local promotion of ESCP events (liaising with the ESCP office to arrange the following activities) 

  1. Advertise local conference dates for next year on national web area page, and provide contact information for local organisers
  2. Circulate 1st announcements + slides at every opportunity
  3. Circulate digital copies of 2nd announcements + posters + slides at local meetings
  4. Encourage participation through word of mouth + email and Twitter
  5. Ensure conference and Masterclass dates/details are included in local Society newsletters/websites and other communication channels 

Website And Social Media

  1. Create new content for national page and update every 6 months
  2. Seek interesting news items to be featured
  3. If applicable, and available, follow ESCP on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
  4. If applicable, promotion of ESCP activities through twitter (target of rewetting / tweeting twice per month), and sharing ESCP post on Facebook and LinkedIn twice monthly. 
  5. Undertake local contact with surgeons (individually and through the National Society) to promote the site to encourage an increase in website use + membership levels


  1. Seek preferred nominated (ESCP member) successor through an openly communicated channel (national society or open email to all - balloted if more than one) from paid-up members in his/her own country, updating the ESCP Secretariat (for the AGM) regarding this.
  2. Attend ESCP National Representative Feedback and Regional meetings and AGM meetings. The remuneration of expenses is dependent on attendance at meetings, and therefore attendance is strongly encouraged and expected.
  3. Update national web area page with contact details for President/ Chairman of National Society.
  4. Prepare quarterly updates with a final annual report prior to conference.

 As a Prospective National Representative for ESCP, I confirm I have read and understood the Summary of Responsibilities and agree to carry out said responsibilities to the best of my ability.

Affiliate Societies