Nominations are invited from fully paid up members. Nominations must be supported by signatures from a proposer and seconder from the same country as the nominee, who are also fully paid up members.
ESCP Secretariat
I confirm that I have read, accept and will undertake the responsibilities of an ESCP National Representative.
Mandatory documents for upload with the online application:
Responsibilities are outlined in the ESCP Rules which work in conjunction with the Constitution; these are outlined under item 6 of the Rules. In practical terms, the Executive requests each National Representative undertakes the following responsibilities each year:
Training and Fellowship Opportunities
Ensure local training and fellowship placements/opportunities are posted on ESCP website (via the Secretariat and Communications Committee Chairman) or via a link to the National Societies website. A template to complete your national web page is available from the Secretariat.
Conference And Masterclass promotion
Local promotion of ESCP events (liaising with the ESCP office to arrange the following activities)
Website And Social Media
As a Prospective National Representative for ESCP, I confirm I have read and understood the Summary of Responsibilities and agree to carry out said responsibilities to the best of my ability.
Please do not use a Yahoo email for your account. If you are using one, change it now.
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