ORALEV2: Preoperative Oral Antibiotics With vs Without Mechanical Bowel Preparation to Reduce Surgical Site Infections Following Colonic Resection: an International Randomized Controlled Trial.

Trial Overview

Acronym ORALEV2
Number NCT04161599
Protocol Link https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04161599
Public Trial Registry Link https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04161599
Status Open/recruiting
Category Colorectal Cancer - Colonic Specific
Treatment Course Surgery

Trial Description

The RCT will compare the rate of Surgical Site Infections (SSI) between two groups of patients undergoing colonic surgery (NO rectal surgery). Two group will be established: - oral + IV antibiotics and NO mechanical bowel preparation - oral + IV antibiotics and mechanical bowel preparation

Chief Investigator

Eloy Espín-Basany
Professor of Surgery, PI and Promotor
Profile Link

Lead Centre

Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron, Colorectal Surgery
Secretaría de Cirugía General, Hospital General, Planta 4, paseo de la Valle de Hebrón 119-129

Collaboration and Funding

Funding Sponsors

Additional Information

Full Research Summary