ESCP's 10th Regional Masterclass went hybrid! For the second time, ESCP welcomed attendees both in-person and online to the 10th masterclass 'Anal Cancer from Dysplasia to Invasive Cancer',  hosted at The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris on 18 November 2021.

Paris MC Photos

 In conjunction with the French National Society of Colo-Proctology (SNFCP)

Sponsored by Medtronic  ESCP lead

Medtronic logo



Paris MC Photos 2Dear members,

It was a great pleasure to welcome the 10th ESCP Regional Masterclass in Paris this year! Thanks to ESCP, Dieter Hahnloser and Paul Lehur for their kind introduction and offering this opportunity.

One hundred delegates joined this meeting physically and forty-three attended the conference online. Many questions and interactions between the floor and the speakers raised interesting and fruitful debates! The success was also due to the quality of each speaker who presented brilliant conferences.

Thanks to Medtronic Interstim Therapy France, the major sponsor of the masterclass, and to the French National Society of Coloproctology (SNFCP) for the support in the organisation of the event.

Guillueme Portrait 









Guillaume Meurette and Emilie Duchalais on behalf of the organising committee.