ESCP has been collaborating with KSCP on a reciprocal basis and it is with pleasure that we will welcome a KSCP fellow to our Annual Meeting every year.

In return, ESCP again had the pleasure in announcing this excellent opportunity for an ESCP member to be awarded a KSCP fellowship, kindly initiated and organised by the International Committee of the Korean Society of Coloproctology.

Location: COEX Magok L'west, 143 Magokjungang-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Date: Friday 29 - Sunday 31 August 2025
Duration: 3 days
In conjunction with: KSCP Annual Meeting in Korea

Eligibility criteria

Dr. Hyeongrok Kim has extended an invitation for applications for this fellowship to Korea from those who fulfil the following criteria:

  • Current, fully paid member of ESCP (i.e. full, trainee etc.) for a minimum of 12 months
  • Are senior coloproctology trainees or consultants within 5 years of appointment
  • Have a manifested interest in coloproctology


  • Applications are now CLOSED
  • Please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions about your application.
  • Please note: Afterwards, we will be asking you to prepare a video clip and a written report for the ESCP website to provide an account of your fellowship experience. You will also be given the opportunity to make a short presentation of your experience at the next ESCP annual meeting if you wish to do so.

Successful applicant

The successful applicant will be asked to present a 10-15-minute paper at the annual KSCP meeting in Korea (an abstract for which will be required in advance). The grant available for this fellowship from the KSCP will be sufficient to cover a return economy air fare, registration for the KSCP Meeting, and accommodation for visits to centres before/after the meeting.

Read reports from Fellows here >