Abstract submission for ESCP 2022 Dublin is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.
Click on the links below for detailed abstract submission guidelines including technical requirements and contact details.
General Abstract Submission Guidelines
ESCP will only accept abstracts not previously presented to or under consideration by another European or International forum that would conflict with presentation at ESCP. ESCP will accept abstracts that have been presented at a national meeting, however may choose not to publish it if it has already been published. Please ensure you declare all relevant details when you submit your abstract.
Download the General Abstract Submission Guidelines
New Trials Submission Guidelines
Submissions are invited for consideration by the Research Committee, chaired by Charles Knowles. Submissions are invited relating to trials that are either new or ongoing but which require further recruitment on a national or international basis. The best trials will be selected on merit for presentation of protocol during the session. Presentations will be reviewed by a panel of experts. The best new trial presentation will receive a prize of €300 awarded by ESCP.
Download the New Trials Submission Guidelines
Surgical Video Submission Guidelines
Surgical videos must be submitted online via the abstract submission form; fill in the contact information section and the relevant questionnaire. You will also be asked to submit a summary of your video. In order to finalise the submission, you must send the actual video via WeTransfer by 18 May 2022. For standardisation, the acceptable length of the video summary is of maximum 2000 characters. This includes non-visible characters, such as spaces and line breaks. Surgical videos sent by post or email will not be accepted. No exceptions will be made.