Welcome to the German part of the ESCP web site
This is some basic information about the German National area. For more information, suggestions or any inquiries contact
Population: 84.000.000
ESCP Members: 93
Colorectal Surgeons: 1200
Societies: Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Coloproctologie (CACP); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie (DGK); Berufsverband der Coloproktologen Deutschlands (BCD) Vereinigung der Koloproktologen an Rhein und Ruhr e. V. (VKRR)
ESCP Representative Name: Ingo Alldinger
National Examination: Visceral Surgery (including Coloproctology); Proctology
Journal(s): International Journal of Colorectal Disease Coloproctology
The German Society for Coloproctology (DGK) organizes a scientific meeting every year in March in Munich. In 2026, after the great success of the meeting in 2025, the meeting will be held in Augsburg again. Other societies organize several local meetings. In recent years it has become standard to broadcast the meetings live online. On-site training sessions in colorectal surgery and proctology are available. Details are provided on the respective websites. EBSQ examinations are held every year in March during the central DGK meeting.
Current Research:
Currently recruiting studies in Germany
EXPELLIARMUS (DRKS00016755) – SIGMA-Studie Multicenter randomized controlled trial exploring postoperative complications and mobilization following major abdominal surgery with vs. without fitness tracker-based feedback - a CHIR-Net Student-Initiated German Medical Audit trial
IOWISI (DRKS00012251) Intraoperative wound irrigation to prevent surgical site infection after laparotomy
PONIY (DRKS00006199) Postoperative negative pressure incision therapy following open colorectal surgery: a randomized-controlled trial